Monday, February 6, 2012

21 Weeks & Ultrasound Update

Jacob was craving some soul food so Friday we headed on over to Lo-Lo's Chicken and Waffles for their soul food platter. It was the best southern fried chicken we had ever had. The Cooke's really know great food and always are awesome company. 
 I am pretty sure my child was competing for space with a food baby.
The staff was excellent and were more than happy to take a picture with me.

Today's Update

 Today, we had the fetal echo and level 2 ultrasound to make sure baby was healthy. Everything looks good so far but because of her positioning and movement we need have a follow up in 2 weeks to get pictures of everything they didn't get today. A little bummed the 4D didn't work out this trip since she wouldn't cooperate, but it was still nice to see what we did.

There was so much going on at appointment today. She likes to have her hands by her face.She stays low and curls up even though she has the room to stretch. I love the picture of her foot! It was so cute to see her legs crossed. I am pretty sure she's going to be super active with all the squirming she's does. And she's a whopping pound. No more being just ounces in weight.

We are getting more and more done on the nursery but its not quite ready for the big reveal. I will post pictures as soon as its looking more fantastic than it already does. :)


  1. That foot is so cute!! I can't wait to see what you've done with the nursery.

  2. Congratulations! She's looking so good! So funny -we were at the doctor getting an ultrasound yesterday too. Modern technology is amazing!
