Monday, June 6, 2011

Live: Hiking

In an effort to live healthy, I am becoming more active. Last week, Jacob and I went on a 8 mile hike. It was quite a journey and harder on my out of shape body than I anticipated. The difficulty of this hike really motivated me to start getting back into shape.Hopefully, I'll be able to make another hiking trek soon and I will be able to complete it with more finesse. 

I would like to add, my dog was a bigger wimp than I. Every single spot of shade was meant as a resting spot for her derrière. The last few miles we were practically dragging her to the top of the mountain.

Do you have any summer fitness goals?
My goal is to be able to participate in a marathon. And have a little more muscle and a lot less fat!

Everything is in bloom


View from the bottom of the hike

We sat by the creek and ate sandwiches. It was very relaxing.


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